Have you ever felt like the words you wanted to speak were stuck in your throat? Do you ever feel like your throat is literally blocked when it comes to speaking up for yourself and speaking your truth? Do the words lay heavy on your soul? I am here to guide your way to bringing your unique voice into the world and to live a life that is authentically you! We will work together to discover what has happened in your past to block your voice, what false messages you are holding onto that do not serve you! Are you tired of feeling stuck in certain areas of your life?
I am here to help you! I have been there too and I wish there had been someone there to guide, support, encourage, hold me accountable, and just hold space with me and accept me in all of my brokenness; as I worked to break off the things that were keeping me stuck and unable to find my voice and become the woman I was created to be! Which is why I started working with women 2 years ago on a full-time basis. Women need to be heard more now than ever - our world is broken - our children and grandchildren are effected by us. Each change that we make in our own lives has a ripple effect on the world around us! We are much more powerful than we have been taught to believe! Are you tired of buying into the lies you've been told and have been telling yourself?
Each session is geared toward your specific goals and needs. We will spend time together discussing what is blocking your voice, what is holding you back from your true path - the life you were intended to live. You will be taught meditation, breath work, and a style of yoga that is fitting to your unique personality.
My goal is not to keep clients coming to me indefinitely - but for YOU to discover who YOU were created to be, to fall in love with the uniqueness that is YOU, to reclaim YOUR UNIQUE VOICE, and to have a clear direction for the path that you want your life to take YOU!
"They tried to bury us. They didn't realize we were seeds."
Mexican Proverb